With guidance from EarthGen, Educational Service District 112, and many community partners, a pioneering group of educators formed the Climate Justice League in 2020 to apply a social justice lens to science teaching.

Teachers in the Climate Justice League transformed their teaching through training, classroom resources, and a cohort of support. Teachers learned from experts like Dr. Isabel Carrera Zamanillo of Stanford University, and engaged in activities designed for students to gain confidence to bring this complex topic into their classrooms.
Now many of their students are more engaged than ever, and are motivated to work for justice in their communities. Building on the League’s success in ESD 112, EarthGen is partnering with two more Educational Service Districts — ESD 121 and 189 — in the 2020-2021 school year to host virtual climate justice trainings for more than 100 teachers.

“By exploring social justice issues that impact their communities, students learn how science can play an important role in solving problems in our society.”
Stacy Meyer, Regional Science Coordinator, Education Service District 112