At Spokane International Academy (SIA), urban development has devastated the once lush landscape, leaving it bare. Just like in “The Lorax,” students saw the trees surrounding their campus cut down and wanted to take action. Realizing the need for green spaces for both the benefit of the Earth and student learning, the school community partnered with EarthGen to bring back nature and make the campus a vibrant place for learning and biodiversity. Determined to create space for outdoor education, student-built raised garden beds and other projects were completed last year and have already begun to change the landscape.
This spring, the dream of a campus where education and environmental restoration thrive side by side will grow closer to reality through the continued partnership between SIA and EarthGen. Next steps include finishing an amphitheater for outdoor classes, planting trees, and installing cisterns to manage rainwater. Volunteers will roll up their sleeves to spread mulch alongside students in the outdoor classroom.