Tyee Students Lead Efforts to Transform Their Interim Campus

Students at Tyee High School near SeaTac witnessed their vision of a vibrant green space come to life at a recent EarthGen Day of Service. Tyee students, in partnership with EarthGen, are breathing life into their interim campus, turning it into an educational space that fosters a deep connection to the environment.

Students plant plants in a new raised bed alongside an EarhGen staff person
Tyee High School students are transforming their interim campus with green space that can be used as an outdoor classroom. Witnessing their vision take root, they’re not just gardening, they’re cultivating a deeper connection to the environment and each other.

With the support of dedicated volunteers and students, EarthGen introduced raised beds to the campus, creating a vital green space for the entire school community to enjoy. At the hands-on work party, one student shared, “I’m excited to see other students using and appreciating this space. It’s amazing to see our plans come to life!” This is just the start – more plantings are scheduled, and Tyee students are taking the lead by designing and crafting benches to further enrich this outdoor learning environment.