In Vancouver, 78 students from eight schools came together for EarthGen’s Elementary Student Summit, hosted in partnership with Clark County Green Schools. The summit was a special occasion, marking many students’ first connection with peers outside of their school community who are passionate about environmental issues. Throughout the summit, students immersed themselves in workshops facilitated by local experts. From exploring green stormwater solutions to envisioning the school campus of the future, these young leaders showcased a passion for protecting the planet. One student aptly shared, “We are the guardians of the Earth, and the world is in our hands.”
The impact of the summit was not just in the shared experiences, but also in the diverse range of environmental projects presented by the students. These projects ranged from collaborative efforts with school administrators to reduce food waste on campus, to the creation of gardens for hands-on learning. Through their actions, these young leaders are not only creating change but also inspiring others to join them in their commitment to be guardians for the air, land, water, and community.