Thank You to EarthGen’s Bilingual Advisory Committee!

We extend our gratitude to all members past and present of EarthGen’s Bilingual Environmental Education Advisory Committee! Your dedication and invaluable expertise have been pivotal in shaping our programs over the past years. Together, we can work towards ensuring that bilingual, migrant, and Native youth receive an education that honors and centers their culture and knowledge.

The Role of the Bilingual Advisory Committee

In partnership with the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), EarthGen is committed to developing culturally responsive programs across Washington state. Our goal is to create educational opportunities that are inclusive and reflective of the diverse backgrounds of students. The Bilingual Advisory Committee plays a crucial role in this effort.

Contributions of the Committee

The Advisory Committee is composed of educational leaders from various sectors, including ESDs, school districts, Indigenous organizations, higher education institutions, and bilingual, migrant, and tribal communities. These members bring a wealth of professional expertise and personal perspectives, providing essential insights and guidance. Their contributions help us:

  • Advise on Best Practices: Committee members offer advice on professional development, curriculum development, community engagement, and related topics in science education.
  • Facilitate Connections: They facilitate connections with school districts and the communities they serve, ensuring our programs are responsive and relevant.
  • Identify Local Connections: They help identify connections between focus communities and local environmental issues, enriching our educational content.
  • Ensure Community Needs: They ensure that new program resources and opportunities address the needs and priorities of bilingual, migrant, and Native communities.

Goals and Future Directions

Our ongoing collaboration aims to:

  • Inform Practices: Guide EarthGen’s practices around effective professional development and support for teachers, and develop curricular resources for students.
  • Audit and Engagement: Conduct a statewide audit to identify gaps and opportunities for deeper engagement, fostering new relationships that provide lasting support for our focus communities.
  • Educational Reform: Review the K-12 educational experience comprehensively to inform a framework that supports transformational reform of bilingual environmental education statewide.

Once again, thank you to all the members of the Bilingual Advisory Committee. Your partnership is vital to our efforts, and we look forward to continuing this important work together.