• This event has passed.

Climate Change in Every Classroom: Season of Smoke (Asynchronous Course)

Come learn with EarthGen in this fully asynchronous professional development opportunity designed for Washington teachers who have not yet participated in a STEM Seminar. Through asynchronous learning via Canvas, participants will have a chance to authentically engage with activities and experts as they grow their understanding of how climate change has and will impact their community. Analyze and interpret recent climate science data from Dr. Kat Huybers, a climate scientist and lecturer from the University of Washington and progress understanding on the most salient climate change indicators in Washington. Participants will review topics related to the theme of Hot & Hazy Summers and connect content to their specific subject area and grade level.

Registration Ends

August 25 All day

Course Information

This course will be available from June 7th- September 8th. Registration will be on a rolling basis and open until August 25th.

New registrations will be processed every Friday. Please keep an eye out for an invitation from Canvas and a welcome email from the EarthGen team the Friday after you register.


Online via Canvas

Teachers will leave this training with increased preparedness to facilitate climate science-focused activities using the science & engineering practices of analyzing and interpreting data and constructing explanations and designing solutions. Teachers will learn from peers through the asynchronous learning space to reflect on how others may be incorporating climate science into their classrooms across the state. Teachers will complete the course by committing to and preparing to practice something they learned from the course through the development of a lesson plan or series or lessons. If teachers have students during the summer months they are welcome to try something new they learned, such as trying out a new strategy or introducing a new case study with their students. Teachers will share student artifacts from their practice. 

Teachers will receive 12 STEM Clock Hours at completion of the course. 

This course will be available from June 7-September 8. Registration will be on a rolling basis and open until August 25th.