Fifth-Grade Leaders Spark Change in Their Community

The fifth-grade leadership team at Hockinson Heights Elementary School in southwest Washington is passionate about creating a sustainable environment in their school and community. Guided by EarthGen’s certification program, they implemented composting and waste reduction practices in their cafeteria and took it a step further by revitalizing their school garden and outdoor classroom space. The team’s dedication to their cause was evident in the videos they created to introduce their teachers and classmates to the school garden and inspire others to get involved.

Hockinson Heights Elementary fifth-graders work in their school garden.
Hockinson Heights Elementary fifth-graders are making a difference through their sustainable efforts, like composting and gardening. Guided by EarthGen’s certification program, these young leaders are inspiring positive environmental change in their community.
Hockinson Heights Elementary Green Team sharing about their action projects around School Grounds and Gardens and Waste & Recycling
Hockinson Heights Elementary Leadership Team presents their action projects around School Grounds and Gardens and Waste & Recycling at the 2023 Clark County Student Summit

Their efforts had a ripple effect that extended beyond the school. Students shared ways to reduce waste at home, and families began to change their daily routines. Some even started growing their own food, inspired by the school’s thriving garden. The fifth-grade leadership team have already made a significant impact in their school and community, and it will be exciting to see their future endeavors as they continue to inspire positive change.