Note: Posts before 2020 reflect EarthGen’s former name, Washington Green Schools.
How do a deep-fried treats and a green campus-wide transportation plan relate to one another? Just ask the students at La Center High School.
This team of teenagers is thinking big. They don’t want to reduce emissions on campus – they want to completely offset them. This autumn, the team developed a long-term plan to transition La Center to be a campus that utilizes alternative forms of energy to power their greenhouse, maintain school grounds, and get kids from here to there.
And their short-term plan is no less ambitious. This year, students created mini biofuel stations that demonstrated the production and practical application of this fuel source. They also planned a community-wide Earth Day Extravaganza to educate classmates, neighbors, and families about the merits of action projects that reduce carbon pollution.
Their hard work paid off: In addition to becoming a Platinum-certified Washington Green School, the La Center student team was awarded honorable mention at Imagine Tomorrow’s NARA Biofuels Challenge for their Community Garden Bio-Char System.