Oyster farm on the beach with many large metal cages full of oysters

Using Shellfish to Teach Climate Change

Shellfish are an important traditional food source with cultural significance for coastal Native people and the foundation of an iconic industry for Washington state. The shellfish industry here generates hundreds of millions […]

A group of 2 students and 2 teachers stands smiling at the camera with green medals around their necks.

Announcing the 2021 Green Medalists

EarthGen’s Green Medalist program honors individuals or groups who have shown leadership in sustainability, inclusion, and resilience within their school community. These characteristics were more important than ever this school […]

Image showing a wall of virtual post it notes filled with positive comments about the COVID and Climate Change training.

Connecting Lessons of COVID and Climate Change

A new virtual training, COVID and Climate Change helps teachers explore the relationships among climate change, COVID, and social injustice. This professional learning workshop, a collaboration between EarthGen and ESD […]

Everett area middle school teachers gather around a model that helps them simulate the enhanced greenhouse effect at an EarthGen Energy Matters training.

Connecting Energy Matters and Climate Change

When Everett middle school students asked their teachers about climate change and how they could make a difference, their teachers reached out to EarthGen for help.

A close-up of a student's hands holding an open mason jar with soil at the bottom and two slices of apple on top of the soil.

Kent Students Explore Zombie Guacamole

Elementary school teachers in Kent chose EarthGen (formerly Washington Green Schools) to provide engaging, hands-on science lessons for their fifth grade students.